I'm about to go on a mini-vacation about 2 hours up the road with my current boyfriend. No, I was not with my daughter on that Spain vacation, as she went with her father, my ex, who lives in England. So I am going to be sitting at my hotel pool trying to imagine being in Spain and soak up the little bit of ambiance gleaned from the pictures she sent.
Then I will wake up from my revelry and realize:
1) There is no chance in hell I would see a celebrity hanging out at this hotel and this pool.
2) I might get the same tan as my daughter but I won't be able to brag to my friends and say " I got my tan from SPAIN!
3) The closest I will get to Spain is looking at pictures of my daughter's trip there.
4) If I went to Spain, who would take care of the cat and who would water the "crisis" garden I've got started because of the "Great Depression #2" going on over here. Oh yeah, that's right, I CANT go to Spain BECAUSE of the "Great Depression #2" going on over here!
When I go out to dinner with my boyfriend I will just order tacos.