Would you believe the new study that came out today that states that if woman who exercise ½ hour per day is not doing enough and should be doing an hour? What do they think we all are...rich and have our own Hollywood personal trainers with time to spare to do extra Pilates?
I think it requires some reading in between the lines. What they are trying to say is that we are eating too much overly processed foods and junk fast food that it takes that extra 30 minuets to rake the extra flab off. But, of course they don't want to hurt the food industries profits by broadcasting that flame broiled information on the morning news and pointing the finger at the shameful state of our food. Lets just brow beat women some more.
The conspiracy theorists will say the information is to insure that people who are already struggling to do 30 min per day...or maybe only 30 min per week....will surely give up on their routine. In turn, we will get sicker and