Thursday, July 9, 2009

They Don't Really Care About Us

I have been walking around in a virtual haze all week since the passing of our Michael. I just lackadaisically assumed he would always be here. A couple days ago I was listening to earlier Michael from Motown on up to his latest work and realized....... I never really understood what an immense talent he had until now.

It's taken me all this time to put out a video clip of him singing the song he was supposed to sing on his upcoming tour. I would have done so earlier, but I've been dragging my feet in mourning. It still rings in our ears because this song was splashed all over the media showing him on stage two days before he died. I like this rendition of it as it shows how he cared so much for the underprivileged.

Michael, I hope you are at peace finally.

1 comment:

C. L. DeMedeiros said...

Wow. I never had a chance to watch this long version of They don't really care about us. I have no idea what toke him all way back to favelas in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, but let me tell you: is freaking powerful, I had goosebumps.

Anyway thank you for your comment of Naked man around the house. Can you imagine I was reaching for inspiration in a yellow pages?
the head chess is a one of my favorites body of of work.
