My theme running through my craft right now seems to be the lotus flower. Ever since I found out it represents people who had a hard time in life and have overcome it has been my symbolic mantra.
My daughter had a wonderful time sculpting the center flower that I decided to use the design for this bracelet. It is not an exact botanical replica of the flower, save for the pointed petals, so I named it Abstract Lotus.
I feel like the character played by Richard Dreyfus in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" when he felt compelled to create the infamous "mashed potato" mountain over and over and over again. It was stuck in his brain by the aliens urging him to come to that particular spot for a mass visitation. Except I am being urged to create a bunch of lotuses!
This piece is so lovely & impressive! Very creative. :)
This piece is so lovely & impressive! Very creative. :)
Thank you T.Shakti. I have signed up to follow your blog to get loads of inspiration!
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